Tosin Martins

About Tosin Martins

Tosin Martins is a musician and a native of Lagos state Nigeria. He came to lime light with his first musical album titled "HAPPY DAY". He is a rare musical talent whose versatility and originality in style and expression remain unequaled in today's entertainment world. Tosin Matins is a Nigerian born to a family of 6. He started his music career in high school, where he sang with the choir. Tosin has a degree in law and he dropped it to embrace a new career in music. he has an album to his credit titled "Happy day" which features one of the favorite love songs to come out of Nigeria yet, 'Olo Mi'. This song amongst others such as ('Made in Nigeria' and title track 'Happy Day', a traditional/ negro spiritual track), has become the anthem for social functions across Nigeria, London, USA, South Africa, Kenya, Dublin, Ghana, Ukraine etc, and one of the most downloaded ring tones. Classifying Tosin's music has been an upheaval task for many music enthusiasts and analysts given his uncommon ability to combine a number of genres quite seamlessly. his style is simply described as crossover by his teeming fans and followers. his songs cross from R&B, High-life, Jazz fusion to more traditional and contemporary styles. Tosin has won a number of awards notable amongst which is the award for the best new act 2007 of the Nigerian Entertainment Awards in New York, USA and best cross over song, Nigerian Gospel Music Achievers Awards 200 6. This is besides several award nominations. Tosin Martins is a Nigerian born to a family of 6. He started his music career in high school, where he sang with the choir. His influence came from the wide collections of ancient Nigerian artists in his home, speaking of King Sunny Ade, Ebeneza al. Martins is happily married to a pretty woman.


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