Ishaku Magani (Shaks)

About Ishaku Magani (Shaks)

Ishaku is a gifted praise and worship leader and song writer.Started singing at a tender age while in High School, He became the music director of his campus fellowship. He has participated in so many Gospel music fiesta and concerts, where he led hundreds of believers in worship. Hither to, that time Ishaku has continue to minister through songs to the glory of God and has served in God's vineyard in many capacities which include the National Music Director and Coordinator of Agape Christian Worship Center with its Headquarters in Bauchi state. He has ministered on different platforms. to God be the glory "EBUBE", is his first major single that was recently released to bless countless lives through an undiluted worship atmosphere. God has given him other songs that continues to minister to the hearts of men. His is happily married to (Mrs Godiya) and blessed with three children.


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