Elijah Oyelade

About Elijah Oyelade

Elijah Oyelade, a man driven with strong passion to see the reality of the manifestations of God in our days like it was in the bible days. He believes in the release of the transforming power of God through the preaching and singing of the word of God. Elijah Oyelade is a deep worshipper, a worship leader, a pastor, a teacher and a song writer, most notable for the deep lyrical content of his songs. His worship lifestyle and songs is impacting and inspiring many around the world. In 2010 God spoke to him about a revival that is to be stirred which will fly on the wings of worship. Being inspired by the Holy Spirit to record and package deep worship songs as a revival and evangelistic tool in the hands of God for the enforcement of His kingdom in the heart of men in all places, the project titled “Show Us Your Glory” and “Spirit Pray” were released. His songs are characterized with very deep expressions of his passion for God and the establishment of His kingdom and reign on earth as it is in heaven. He is simply known to be one whose lifestyle exemplifies love based service to God and people Under God by grace through the ministry of the spirit he is being privileged to write great song such as ..Glorious God, The Way You Father Me, Emmanuel, Take Me To The Place, Spirit Pray etc. He just finished a live audio recording of a new album to be released soon. He has been in practical ministry since 1990 involved in rural, city and house to house evangelism teaching the word and leading people in various meetings in deep worship experience. His ministry is characterized with an unusual release of the presence of God bringing deep revival in the spirit of men, healing the sick and setting the oppressed free. Elijah is a graduate of civil engineering; he is married to Olamide and blessed with children.


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