6foot plus
Afro Hip-Hop

About 6foot plus

Alfred Atungu met and fell in love with rap in the late 70's but didn't get a firm grip till early 80's. Two decades, some years and a lot of turbulence later and we have Six foot plus an MC (Microphone Checker) or microphone controller, tested to the extreme while whipping up a storm too strong to be ignored. Six foot plus started writing full fledged songs by '87 and the focus then was on singing even though attempts at writing rap songs had begun. Somewhere along the line, the love for rap over shadowed that of blues singing coupled with the fact that lack of practice brought Mother Nature to bear heavily on his voice. The rest like they say is history. Born in Kaduna on the 6th of April 1972, Six foot plus attended primary school in Kaduna and Zaria (Northern Nigeria) between 1977 and 1983. His secondary schooling began in Benin and ended in Enugu between 1984 and 1991. In '93, he gained admission into the University of Nigeria, Nsukka where he graduated with a degree in dramatic arts. Within the years 1992 and 2000, Six foot plus has done a great deal of dues paying and the dues finally paid off, when in collaboration with the executive producer of Payback Tyme Records, Solo D, the album, Millenium Buggin' 2001 was recorded. Millennium Buggin' and Abami Eda, two tracks off the album were released one after the other as promo copies for radio stations. They have both enjoyed massive airplay, especially Millenium Buggin' which has now become an anthem of sorts. The album slated for release by January 2001, by God's grace, will contain eleven tracks and two intros. In the arduous climb onto the rap mountain, Six foot plus has worked with quite a number of people namely David, the lead vocalist of the gospel singing group known as the Bishops, with J-Vox, Groc City Click, Zaaki Ad-zee and SWATROOT (Sporadic Words and Tactics Rhyming On Our Terms) the alliance which Six foot plus is also a part of. Today, many shows and disappointments later, Six foot plus has come of age with performance credits which span within the Nigerian borders.


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