Zule Zoo

About Zule Zoo

The Zule-Zoo are a group of multitalented Nigerians who has popularized a genre of Music which projects Nigerian culture through creativity in lyrical composition and innovative use of African percussion instrument. The genre of their music is known as the Takuraku beat. The word Zulezoo means, Forgotten Warriors Never Die. Zulezoo is currently the top musical artistes with a unique, energetic, African cultural dance which thrills a lot of people wherever they perform, both at home and abroad. Their first hit solo tract is titled: Kerewa, of which they are popularly known for. The music was banned by the censors board due to a misunderstanding of the song as advocating adultery. This created a rubble in the music industry in Nigeria and almost caused a set back to the Zulezoo. Not long after, the group came out with a full album entitle: BANNED IN NIGERIA, a 9-tract album including the banned Kerewa, which made wave nationwide and is now a huge success. Kerewa was subsequently unbanned in Nigeria and the group is flying high in the sky. They are most sought in Shows, Concert and media houses.


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