Joe El
Afro Hip-Hop

About Joe El

OEL AMADI, best Known as (Joe El Everlasting A.K.A The Bakololo master) is a Nigerian singer, song writer and performer. This emerging talent has wooed many audiences around Nigeria with his ever blazing song style and charm on stage; from the star quest singing competition 2006 in Jos, to the annual kennis music Easter fiesta where he astonished the crowd with a free styling rap accapella. Joel Amadi a Young sensational singer who hails from the northern part of Nigeria, born in sokoto state, grew up in Kano state with his family consisting of his father, mother and siblings, attended Ramat nursery and primary school then graduated into Army day secondary school Bukavu Barracks, Kano state. He gained admission into Kaduna state college of education in affiliation with university of Jos where he acquired his diploma in accounting and auditing in 2005. Joe EL has also dropped massive hits like; Love song, Happy and Bakololo which took him to another level of his career and gave him a chance to perform on big stages like the Glo Rock n Roll show in four different states in Nigeria, the annual kennis music Easter fiesta, and star quest grand finale. Joe EL has received several awards like “The most Laspotech celebrated Artist of the year” 2012, Best new act in the most finest girl in Nigerian beauty pageant 2013 and an award for most endorsed artiste in the most finest girl in Nigeria beauty pageant 2013..etc


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